A. THE CARPET PARADIGM from 1976 to 2014: Versions, Translations, Influence

1976: ‘The Carpet Paradigm: Critical Prolegomena to a Theory of Flatness,’ Arts Magazine 51,
pp. 82-109

2010: Revised edition: The Carpet Paradigm: Integral Flatness from Decorative to Fine
Art, revised edition. New York: Edgewise Press

2011: French translation of 1976 text: Le Paradigme du tapis; prolégomènes critiques à
une théorie de la planéité, trans. Jacques Soulillou. Geneva: Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain

2012: Philippe-Alain Michaud (organizer), Flying Carpets (exhibition). Rome: French Academy in
Rome—Villa Medici and Drago Publisher

2013: Anne Dressen, organizer, Decorum: tapis et tapisseries d’artistes (exhibition) Paris: Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris/ARC and Flammarion); with new text: Joseph Masheck, ‘“Le Paradigme du tapis” revisité,’ 95-102

2014: Chinese translation of the 2010 text, occasioned by travel of Paris ‘Decorum’ Exhibition (previous listing) to Shanghai, trans. Zhiwei Gu and Tan Fangying, with Luan Zhichao (notes); together with new text: Joseph Masheck, ‘New Shanghai Preface,’ trans. Pan Xiaolin (Shanghai: Art World Magazine, Special Issue, ed. Lin Jia), July 2014

2014: Martin Sundberg and Johanna Rosenqvist, guest editors, Reconsidering the Carpet Paradigm; special issue of Konsthistorisk tidskrift / Journal of Art History (Stockholm) 83/3


Faith in Art: Religion, Aesthetics, and Early Abstraction
London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023
Reviewed: The Brooklyn Rail, online, 23 December 2023 to 24 January 2024, by Donato Loia

Classic Mondrian in Neo-Calvinist View: The Watson Gordon Lecture
Edinburgh: National Galleries of Scotland and the University of Edinburgh, 2018

Mostly Modern: Essays in Art and Architecture (edited; Festschrift organized by A. Naymark)
Stockbridge, Mass.: Hard Press Editions; Easthampton, Mass.: Hudson Hills, 2015.

Adolf Loos: The Art of Architecture
London: I. B. Tauris, 2013
Reviewed: Choice 51, no. 6 (February 2014); Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 73, no. 2 (June 2014), by Christopher Long; The Burlington Magazine 156, no. 1336 (July 2014), by Colin Amery

Texts on (Texts on) Art
New York: The Brooklyn Rail, 2011; 2nd ed. 2014
Reviewed: Art and Christianity (London), Winter 2012, by David Jasper; Haber Art Reviews (, by John Haber; The Rumpus (, May 2012, by Catherine Tung

Le Paradigme du tapis, trans. Jacques Soulillou.
Geneva: Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain, 2011
Translation of the original text of 1976 Exhibition stimulated by this publication: Decorum:
Tapis et tapisseries d’artistes (Carpets and Tapestries by Artists), ed. Anne Dressen.
Paris: Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris and Skira- Flammarion, 2013; with Dressen text ‘Le Paradigm du tapis revisité,’ trans. Laetitia Itturalde.

C’s Aesthetics: Philosophy in the Painting
Philadelphia: Slought Foundation with Bryn Mawr College Visual Studies Center, 2004

Marcel Duchamp in Perspective, 2nd ed.
New York: Da Capo Press, 2002
Reprint of 1975 volume with introduction “Where Were We?”

Arthur Wesley Dow: Composition; A Series of Exercises in Art Structure for the Use of Students and Teachers (1899; 1913)
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997
New edition with introduction “Dow’s Way to Modernity for Everybody”

Building-Art: Modern Architecture Under Cultural Construction
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993
Reviewed : Times Literary Supplement (London), 4 March 1994, p. 17, by Andrew Ballantyne; also,
Les Cahiers du Musée National d’Art Moderne (Paris), Autumn 1994, by Michel Assenmaker


‘David Diao’s Chinatown’ In David Diao: Peinture et document; Painting and Document, eds. Stéphane Mroczkowski and Alexandra Pignot
Le Kremlin-Bicêtre (France): Mare & Martin, 2020

‘Epilogue: Critique of Ornament’ (2013)
In Adolf Loos: Ornament and Crime: Thoughts on Design and Materials. ed. and trans. Shawn Whiteside.
London: Penguin, 2019

‘Don’t Trust Anybody Dressed in Black’
In James Elkins and Michael Newman, eds., The State of Art Criticism
New York and London: Routledge, 2008

‘Form(alisme), fonction(alisme) et la maison de Wittgenstein en histoire de l’art,’ trans.
David Lachance In Céline Poisson, ed., Penser, dessiner, construire: Wittgenstein et l’architecture
Paris and Tel Aviv: Éditions de l’éclat, 2007

‘Jarry-Joyce-Duchamp in An Anastasian Illumination’
In Aaron Levy and Jean-Michel Rabaté, eds., William Anastasi’s
Pataphysical Society: Jarry, Joyce, Duchamp and Cage
Philadelphia: Slought Books, 2005

‘Vexing the Diptych with Asymmetry’
In Aaron Levy and Jean-Michel Rabaté, eds., Of the Diagram: The Work of Marjorie Welish
Philadelphia: Slought Books, 2003

‘Painting in Double Negative: Jonathan Lasker’ (1992)
In Demetrio Paparoni, ed., Jonathan Lasker: Paintings 1977-2001 (also in Italian)
Milan: Alberico Cetti Serbelloni Editore, 2002
Also in David Ryan, ed., Talking Painting: Dialogues with Twelve Contemporary Abstract Painters
London and New York: Routledge, 2002

‘The Vital Skin: Riegl, the Maori and Loos’ In Richard Woodfield, ed., Framing Formalism: Riegl and the History
of Art (Critical Voices in Art, Theory, and Culture)
Amsterdam: G+B Arts International, 2001

‘Meyer Schapiro: “Einstein and Cubism: Science and Art”’ (1977ff) In Meyer Schapiro: The Unity of Picasso’s Art (posthumous editing by request of widow)
New York: Braziller, 2000